8001000 / 3339258



Electricidade de Timor-Leste Empresa Pública (EDTL, E.P.) is the Timor-Leste’s State-Owned Company in Electricity and Energy Sector, established based on the Decree Law No. 29/2020, of 22 July. EDTL, E.P. was established with the main objective to oversee and ensure the functioning of electricity sector based on the Timor-Leste’s Government Policy to accelerate public access to the electricity and supply of electricity in a large part of the national territory, create a set of structuring measures for a reform of the electricity sector aimed at the expansion and modernization of the National Electricity System, as well as the management implementation to improve public services provided, raising standards of quality and reliability at the affordable prices, taking into account the feasibility and sustainability of its operations. EDTL, E.P.’s business operation consists of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electricity and in planning for the energy diversification to renewables in the energy sector.


“EDTL, E.P. becomes the only energy provider to people and industries in Timor-Leste”


Guarantee the operational services of production, transportation, distributions and commercialization of energy and electricity in Timor-Leste.

Promote investment initiative in green energy for economic, environment and social benefit.

Ensure quality of energy services and guarantee the citizen’s right to access to the energy equally with affordable electricity prices that reflected to the buying power of the customers.  


Based on the Decree Law No. 29/2020, of 22 July, EDTL, E.P. was created based on the following purposes: • Monitor and ensure the implementation of the national policy for the energy sector, ensuring the sustainability and integrated management of the production, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity, namely through the establishment and provision of public supply services of electricity. • Establish a management structure to measure the reform of electricity sector and modernization of the National Electricity System; • Implement management system to improve and enhance standard quality of services and supply of electricity to public; • Reduce energy production cost and expenses with consideration of visibility and sustainability of Company’s operations; • Increase revenue to guarantee independent and sustainability of the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) in the future; • Provide alternative and diversification of source of production and conversion of energy electricity.