Electricidade de Timor-Leste Empresa Pública (EDTL, E.P.) is the Timor-Leste’s State-Owned Company in Electricity and Energy Sector, established based on the Decree Law No. 29/2020, of 22 July. EDTL, E.P. was established with the main objective to oversee and ensure the functioning of electricity sector based on the Timor-Leste’s Government Policy to accelerate public access to the electricity and supply of electricity in a large part of the national territory, create a set of structuring measures for a reform of the electricity sector aimed at the expansion and modernization of the National Electricity System, as well as the management implementation to improve public services provided, raising standards of quality and reliability at the affordable prices, taking into account the feasibility and sustainability of its operations. EDTL, E.P.’s business operation consists of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electricity and in planning for the energy diversification to renewables in the energy sector.
“EDTL, E.P. becomes the only energy provider to people and industries in Timor-Leste”